Final Deliverables published
The IEA EBC Annex 72 produced 8 official deliverables and an extensive compilation of background information.

Del. B: Context-specific assessment methods
Del. C: Guidelines for design decision makers
Del. D: World LCA databases for building and construction
Del. E: LCA of buildings case study collection
Del. F: Environmental benchmarks for buildings
Del. G: Guidelines for LCA databases for building and construction
Del. I: Optimisation strategies for environmental performance of buildings
Del. J: Decisions towards environmental sustainability of buildings
Project summary report
Compilation of background reports / Individual background reports
Sustainable Built Environment 22, Berlin: Special forum on the results of IEA EBC Annex 72
The final event of IEA EBC Annex 72 took place on 21 September 2022 in Berlin during the SBE22 conference.
Have a look at the program and the slides presented.
Monte Verità Declaration on a built environment within planetary boundaries
The Monte Verità Declaration on a built environment within planetary boundaries contains recommendations addressed to several different stakeholder in the buildings and construction sector. It represents the view of more than 40 scientists from 20 countries, who signed the declaration.
During the 10. expert meeting of the IEA EBC Annex 72, 26 to 29 October 2021 on Monte Verità, Switzerland, The Monte Verità Declaration was presented to Andreas Eckmanns, Swiss Federal Office of Energy and Swiss representative of the IEA EBC ExCo.

124 signatories of the Graz Declaration at SBE19 Seoul, 12-13 December 2019
During the international Sustainable Built Environment Conference SBE19 Seoul in South Korea, the Graz Declaration for Climate Protection in the Built Environment was signed by 124 participants from mainly Asian countries. It shows that climate protection in the built environment is not a European but a global need and challenge.
Sung Woo Shin, Chair of the Organizing Committee of sbe19 SEOUL, President of the International Sustainability Council and Director of the Sustainable Building Research Center (SUSB) hands over the list of signatories to Dr. Rolf Frischknecht, Operating Agent of IEA EBC Annex 72 and owner and managing director of treeze Ltd., Switzerland, who presented the contents of the Graz declaration during the Award Ceremony on 13 December 2019.
We cordially invite you to follow our Asian friends and sign the Graz Declaration.

Graz Declaration 2019
As an outcome of the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) D-A-CH conference in Graz in September 2019 the Graz Declaration for Climate Protection in the Built Environment was formulated. The Graz Declaration calls for legally binding requirements until 2025 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to stay within a 1.5°C increase. At the expert meeting in Ljubljana the present experts unanimously agreed to sign the Graz Declaration as Annex 72 group, showing their strong support for the claims of the Graz Declaration. We cordially invite you to sign the Graz Declaration.